We show different approaches of the students of Interactive Experiences at the intersection between design, technology, society and communication. In their proposals we find narratives that not only stimulate visually, but can also be perceived through the tips of the fingers, gestures, and bodies. Objects, spaces and graphics, analog and digital, for healthier interactions. The clear message that Generation Z not only transmits, but also proposes ways of understanding our world from a transversal and playful perspective. Let's play!

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Anita Stuberg
Mario Santamaría
Sofie Olsen
Lise Jakobsen
Graphic Visualization
Internet Data Mining

The music industry has an impact on the environment, both from streaming and buying physical CDs and vinyls. The average person streams, on average, five hours of content a day, resulting in up to 1.57 million tonnes of CO2 emissions released, or 0.57 billion tonnes a year. This projects aim is to enlighten this topic in an interactive way in a functional web app, where users can check the imprint of any song on Spotify. The numbers are of the carbon imprint are simplified to make this possible to make in the scope of this project, but the main focus is the message it communicates to the user.

For this project I have done online research, designed prototypes in Figma, coded the web-app using Node.js, Javascript, HTML and CSS, as well as connect it to the Spotify API. I have user tested the web-app on users to uncover errors and user friendliness.

During this project I have discovered that calculating the carbon imprint of such activities is a complex and hard task, because of so many different parameters. It is though very clear that listening to music has an impact on the environment, but it is indeed not the highest contributor in the world. And streaming music is said to be lower than buying CDs.