We show different approaches of the students of Interactive Experiences at the intersection between design, technology, society and communication. In their proposals we find narratives that not only stimulate visually, but can also be perceived through the tips of the fingers, gestures, and bodies. Objects, spaces and graphics, analog and digital, for healthier interactions. The clear message that Generation Z not only transmits, but also proposes ways of understanding our world from a transversal and playful perspective. Let's play!

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Web Design by
Mako Gutiérrez & Raúl Goñi

Feeling Cute Might Get Banned Later

Myra Cronauer
Basia Jagiello
Anna Fiedler
Mario Santamaría
Anna Vidal Gayette
Valeria Castillo
Ivan Paz
Raúl Goñi
Interactive Artifact
Internet Data Mining

As our society becomes increasingly digital, the majority of discourses, debates and conversations now take place online. Algorithms shape how these discourses unfold and determine who and what gets visibility. But technology is not neutral; the algorithms that moderate social media platforms are the product of human hands. They reflect the biases and power structures of their creators, and as such are embedded in systems of oppression.  As a result, marginalised voices and paradigm-challenging perspectives are suppressed, while prioritising images of women that conform to Western standards of beauty, creating a new form of censorship: Algorithmic censorship.  The dominance of a few social media giants leaves little room to escape these controls. In response, we developed a tool to resist algorithmic censorship and reclaim social media as an essential part of the public sphere - an arena for free expression and collective discourse.
Shadowbanning, Freedom of speech, Resistance, Algorithmic censorship, Visibility.