We show different approaches of the students of Interactive Experiences at the intersection between design, technology, society and communication. In their proposals we find narratives that not only stimulate visually, but can also be perceived through the tips of the fingers, gestures, and bodies. Objects, spaces and graphics, analog and digital, for healthier interactions. The clear message that Generation Z not only transmits, but also proposes ways of understanding our world from a transversal and playful perspective. Let's play!

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OpenArms Minecraft Digital Activism

Phygital Activism
Global Project

Open Arms School of Phygital Activism is a new way of becoming a volunteer.  As young people ourselves, we believe that the next generations will use their own digital mediums.
By broadening the spectrum of action, we open up access to those who are not in the same physical location.  This is a digital boat, not only it goes from port to port but it expands the school beyond the limits of the coast and country borders.
We bring into the digital realm a teaching on the right to life, collaboration, fraternity and protection of the other.  In this way we use the digital platform to grow the communiy, build ideas and spread them to other servers.

#physiscalactivism #digitalrecolution #OpenArmsMinecraft #intoTheMetaverse #bit