We show different approaches of the students of Interactive Experiences at the intersection between design, technology, society and communication. In their proposals we find narratives that not only stimulate visually, but can also be perceived through the tips of the fingers, gestures, and bodies. Objects, spaces and graphics, analog and digital, for healthier interactions. The clear message that Generation Z not only transmits, but also proposes ways of understanding our world from a transversal and playful perspective. Let's play!

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P4BL0 P1C4550

Eduardo Borrell
Guillem Giró
David Casadesus
Raul Nieves
Ariel Guersenzvaig
Ricardo Iglesias
Andreu Belsunces
Raúl Goñi
Jonathan Chacón
Interactive Robot
Physical Interfaces

P1CA550 es un proyecto visual de una serie de trabajos centrados en redefinir nuestra percepción de los robots. La instalación replantea el propósito del robot y lo amplifica con características de entidad viviente proporcionando al robot una espada ligera luminiscente. Junto a movimientos abstractos preprogramados con Blender y una tira de leds programada con Arduino, se ha realizado un gran número de piezas visuales utilizando lightpainting en la postproducción.