We show different approaches of the students of Interactive Experiences at the intersection between design, technology, society and communication. In their proposals we find narratives that not only stimulate visually, but can also be perceived through the tips of the fingers, gestures, and bodies. Objects, spaces and graphics, analog and digital, for healthier interactions. The clear message that Generation Z not only transmits, but also proposes ways of understanding our world from a transversal and playful perspective. Let's play!

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Maria Álvarez
Sergi Carner
Otger Gabardós
Maria Homs
Nora José
Anna Llovera
Xosé Lois
Bernat Navarro
Laura Real
Pablo Sanz
Sofía Sustersic
Global Project

The fast pace of the city and the over-productive context of offices has generated a culture in which stopping, or doing nothing, is perceived as an obstacle. By posing constraints, we can generate tools to break the logic of productive systems. What would happen if the tools that a company implements to improve productivity became a means for workers to break the dynamic through constraints. A system based on a duality of paradoxes and ironies necessary for both parties.